Monday - Parshanut haMikra: Journeys and Returns- The Generations of Yaakov and his Children
Dean Rachel Friedman
On Zoom; For Women OnlyTuition: $325
Monday- How to Learn Analyze Torah Narrative: Four New Stories
Rabbi Hayyim Angel
On Zoom; Open to men and women Tuition: $100
Tuesday- Gemara Keddushin Perek 2
Rabbi Gedalya Berger
On Zoom; Open to men and womenTuition: $345
Tuesday-Explore with author Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom his New Book onThe Genius of Prophetic Rhetoric: Studies in the book of Amos
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
Tuesday- Exciting Topics In Vayikra
On Zoom; Open to men and women Tuition: $200
Tuesday- Taanit Esther
On Zoom; Open to men and women Suggested donation: $25
Tuesday- Midrash Arami Oved Avi
On Zoom; Open to men and women Suggested donation: $50
Wednesday- Characters in Megillat Esther
Rabbi Yitzchak Twersky
On Zoom; Open to men and womenSuggested donation: $50
Wednesday- Why Do We Read The Megillah Twice? The Two Sides of Purim
Ms. Sarah Gordon
On Zoom; Open to men and womenSuggested donation: $25
Wednesday- Themes of Pesach
On Zoom; Open to men and womenSuggested donation: $75
Wednesday- Finding Pesach in the Tanakh
Wednesday- New Memorial Days of The State of Israel
On Zoom; Open to men and womenSuggested donation: $100
Thursday- Hilkhot Tevilah
Rabbi Gedalyah Berger
On Zoom; For women onlyTuition: $320
Thursday- Parashah and Haftarah Pointers
Rabbi Daniel Fridman
On Zoom; Open to men and womenTuition: $350