Mon. – Thurs. : 09.00 AM – 3.00 PM

Dedication Opportunities

Dedication Opportunities

      טוּב טַעַם וָדַעַת לַמְּדֵנִי:  כִּי בְמִצְו‍ֹתֶיךָ הֶאֱמָנְתִּי   Tehillim 119:66

Lamdeinu’s costs significantly exceed the tuition charged. We look to you for support so that we may grow and build a learning center that continually serves the needs of our community.

Please consider making a donation, or dedicating a morning of learning at Lamdeinu in memory of a loved one, in the zekhut of a refuah sheleimah, or in honor of a simcha, birthday, or other happy occasion.

An individual shiur/class may be dedicated for a minimum of $180.  Each dedication is displayed in the entrance area, announced before the shiur, and printed on the Torah study source sheets.

Please contact us at to dedicate a class, for other dedication opportunities (such as dedicating learning for an entire semester) or for more information.

Contributions of all sizes are welcome, most appreciated and tax deductible.  

To make a dedication, please complete the form below.